Champions of Valhalla - Progressive

Champions of Valhalla - Progressive

All fearless spirits are marching towards Asgard, one of the Nine Worlds and home to the Aesir tribe of gods. According to Asgardian legend, Odin the widely revered god must undertake the Odinsleep to regain his strength. During this time Asgard is vulnerable to attack from its enemies! Care to battle alongside the Champions of Valhalla or… against?

All fearless spirits are marching towards Asgard, one of the Nine Worlds and home to the Aesir tribe of gods. According to Asgardian legend, Odin the widely revered god must undertake the Odinsleep to regain his strength. During this time Asgard is vulnerable to attack from its enemies! Care to battle alongside the Champions of Valhalla or… against?