How To Stay Safe In Bingo Chat Rooms

If you were to ask any bingo player what they loved about the game, it’s a sure bet that the social aspect of it will come up. Bingo players simply love a good natter, and that’s why bingo halls are such a popular pastime (of course, it’s important not to disturb other players, though). Luckily, online bingo also caters to the social butterflies of the bingo world, and chat rooms give players the opportunity to talk while they play.

Of course, it’s also important to keep in mind that you have no idea who the anonymous people are on the other side of the computer, so you don’t know who you’re interacting with. That’s why it’s essential that you stick to basic etiquette and use some common sense when it comes to your own safety, whether you’re playing slots online or bingo and Slingo.

Here are some tips to help you stay safe while you’re in a bingo chat room.

Always be careful with personal information

First things first, you simply have to keep your personal information to yourself. You wouldn’t give a complete stranger your ID number, email address, birthday, passwords and other personal information, would you? Probably (hopefully) not.

The same goes with chat rooms. You have to remember that among all the lovely people online, there could be some with dubious objectives. Don’t post personal information like your phone number, username, email address, date of birth, or any other personal details like pets names that you use in your passwords.

Once people get hold of this information, they might not just get into your bingo account, but into your bank accounts and other personal accounts where they could do some real damage.

Your bingo roomies, in general, will all be fairly nice folk, but always keep your wits about you and let the moderator know if there is someone suspicious asking too many personal questions or prying into your life.

Always choose a safe, licensed site

Unfortunately, there are some pretty dodgy sites out there that are just looking for people to take advantage of. Before you sign up with any online bingo site, you have to do your research. The first thing that you should do is ensure that the site is fully licensed; you’ll normally be able to find this at the bottom of the page.

However, it’s not just the license you should concern yourself with. Always ensure that the site that you want to play online bingo games on is as secure as possible. This means having a look at the URL bar and ensuring that there’s a closed lock symbol and http: at the beginning of the web address. This means that they have a secure site, and it will be a lot harder for hackers to get hold of your account or personal information.

Make your passwords strong

We all know those people that have their name followed by “12345” as their password. You need to make sure that when you play bingo online that your password isn’t just secure but that it is difficult to guess too. Keep in mind that you should have different passwords for different sites to ensure that if your password is somehow hacked that they can’t get into every account that’s in your name.

Of course, this also circles back to keeping your personal information private. If Jingles is the name of your cat and you constantly talk about how much you love him, then nefarious characters might take a chance using his name to guess your password or security questions.

Furthermore, you should never click the “remember me” button for your password.

Report online abuse

The moderators in chat rooms unfortunately can’t be everywhere at all times, and chances are that they might miss something here and there. All sexist, homophobic, racist and derogatory comments are completely against chat room policy. If you happen to be on the receiving end of any of these kinds of remarks, or you see someone else being bullied in a similar way – it’s essential that you bring it to the attention of the moderator so that they can deal with the situation appropriately.

Basic chat room etiquette

All in all, chat rooms are a safe environment to have a natter with online friends, and as long as you keep the above tips in mind, you should be completely fine. It’s always good to remember that there is basic etiquette within bingo chat rooms, just like in any social situation. These rules and regulations are here to ensure a safe, friendly and enjoyable chat room experience for everyone. Here are some of the do’s and don’ts when it comes to bingo chat rooms.


  • Do: Say hello!
  • Do: Be nice!
  • Do: Celebrate when you win!
  • Do: Congratulate other players.
  • Do: Tell us how you are doing and feeling.
  • Do: Make friends.


  • Don’t: Be rude or negative to other players.
  • Don’t: Spam!
  • Don’t: Insult, harass, bully or argue with others.
  • Don’t: Use a false identity or impersonate anyone else.
  • Don’t: Type in only capslock – it makes it seem like you are shouting.
  • Don’t: Swear.
  • Don’t: Discriminate against anyone’s gender, sexuality, race, or anything else. It won’t be tolerated.
  • Don’t: Advertise or promote other companies.
  • Don’t: Harass other players or the moderators.

Play bingo and other games with Lucky Pants Bingo

Now that you know how to stay safe in bingo chat rooms, it’s time to give it a whirl! Lucky Pants Bingo is about more than the best online bingo out there and we have some amazing online slots and Slingo games available, as well as the best bingo out there.
